Thursday, November 09, 2006

November has started off just great. Our theme for this month's storytime is the turkey. All the children worked hard to create an, I am thankful for, turkey container. Every day they put something new on a piece of paper and place it in the turkey. On Thanksgiving all the little notes are read at the dinner table. November 15th we have a special guest who will come in and speak to the kids about dental care. Wednesday the 22nd we will all get together and have a library Thanksgiving feast.

We had a great turn out for our Halloween activities. Our spooky walk was new this year and it was a great program. The inner halls of the library were decorated and the children were allowed to enter. It was made with kids 8 and under in mind not too scary. We even had the library board through. Yorik our headless piano player was a big hit. Next year will be even better.

Saturday, November 04, 2006