Monday, March 26, 2007

Junior Book Reviews

Sandi's Book List for March 2007

The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane, by Kate DiCamillo, is by far one of my favorite books.

From the first chapter you are captivated with Edward. His character is so real that by the time he begins his journey you have forgotten that he is only a china rabbit. I am reading the story for outreach to a couple of fifth grade classes. In the beginning some of the students, mostly the boys, seemed quite bored with the book. But by the third chapter even they sat and listened to Edwards plight. I would recommend this book to ages five to adult. It could be used for a bedtime story although it will take you a few weeks to finish.

The Boy in the Striped Pajamas, by John Boyne, was recommended to me by a good friend.

I thought the book was very well written and had quite a thought provoking story. It is told by a nine year old German boy, named Bruno, who lives with his family in Berlin. The story is for an older reader because of the content maybe eleven or twelve. As it says on the book jacket it is important you read the book without really knowing any clues from the story. So if you are looking for a good book with content that leaves you thinking I recommend this one for you.

The Last Brother, A Civil War Tale, by Trinka Hakes Noble was one of our new books here at the library.

I picked it up intrigued by the title and found a wonderful tale. It is a story about a young boy who joins the Union Army, even though he is only eleven, and becomes a bugler. The book is a historical work of fiction that leaves you wondering how many young men really did leave their families to follow older siblings and fight for our country. The content is for an older reader 11 and up.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Monday, March 12, 2007

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Wyoming Reads

Well we are on our way. Thursday March 1st and Friday March 2nd Fanny, myself, and two wonderful volunteers from Riverton High School, Jamie and Courtney, set out with a Clifford costume to thank all the kids for choosing books for Wyoming Reads. The girls did a wonderful job wearing the costume and reading a Clifford story to the classrooms full of excited children. We just wanted to let the students know a little bit of what their day would be like when they joined all the first grade students in Fremont County. They seemed very enthusiastic and had many questions. We are sure looking forward to May 15th it will be a great day.

Winter Reading Program

Our Winter Reading Program finale was Saturday March 3rd. We had about 30 people join us for hot dogs, chips, and a drink as we sat and watched, "The Muppets Treasure Island".
It was great fun. We handed out certificates to all the kids who finished the program and surprizes for everyone from the treasure basket. Thanks to all the kids who participated,
you made it so much fun!

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Wyoming Reads

All Fremont County Libraries are working together to prepare for our second annual, "Wyoming Reads" program. It is sponsored by the Sue Jorgensen Library Foundation. This program is for all Fremont County first grade students including children who are home schooled. The date is Tuesday May 15th from ll:00 AM to 2:00 PM. For more information contact your local Fremont County Library.

March's Book Clubs

The High school Reading Group is reading Tea by Stacey D'Erasmo. They meet March 19th at 7:00pm in the Riverton Libary

The Middle School Reading Group is reding Maximum Ride School's out Forever by James Patterson. They meet on March 20th at 7:00pm at Scooters - 1406 W. Main

The Afternoon Mystery Readers are reading Out of Range by C.J. Box. They meet on March 21st at 1:00pm in the Riverton Library

The Riverton Readers are reaing The Day of the Lucust by Nathanael West. They meet on March 27th at 7:00pm in the Riverton Library

Teen Tech Week

Teen Scene Open House
Parents come see what all the excitemant is about. We will be opening our doors to anyone that wants to see what the teens are doing. March 7th from 12:00-8:00

Dance Dance Revolution
Compete in the Riverton Teen Scene Competition

How good are you? Win an i-Tunes gift card.

Guitar Hero
Sign up to play DDR or Guitar Hero

March 8th starting at 4:00 - Must be 13-18