Wednesday, March 25, 2009


We had a very special guest for story time this morning.
Clifford, he stopped by to say hello and join us for some silly
songs. The kids were so excited, they donned their homemade Clifford hats and collars, then they all gathered around for a photo opportunity with the big red dog.
Needless to say, the staff enjoyed wearing the Clifford attire as much as the children.
Thanks Clifford for a great day.

Thursday, March 12, 2009


Welcome back storytime moms and kids.
It was a long month without you and we are glad to have you back.
Storytime started again the first week of February.
We had a wonderful Winter Reading Program with about 50 participants.
Now we are into March and having a great time.
Come in and join us on Wednesdays and Thursdays at 10:15 AM.